Creating a Respondent portal for test-takers
A Respondent portal allows test-takers to securely log in with a unique username and password to view and complete assigned quizzes.
There are three ways to create a Respondent portal:
- Manually register: Admins and Trainers with user permissions can create an account for each user one at a time.
- Bulk upload: Generate multiple user accounts by completing and uploading the FlexiQuiz user spreadsheet.
- Self-registration: Allows users to self-register for an account.
This guide shows you how to register test-takers for a Respondent portal manually.
How to manually create a Respondent portal
- Log in to your FlexiQuiz account
- Select Users from the top header.
- Press the blue Add user button.
- The create user screen will appear for you to add the test-takers details.
- Complete the form.
At a minimum, you need to provide a unique username and ensure the user type is set to Respondent.
Important! The username cannot be used by anyone else on the FlexiQuiz platform.
Other optional fields:
- Password: FlexiQuiz automatically generates a random password or you can add your own.
- First name: First and last names can be added to certificates. The names are also used to identify users on the quiz Analyze screen.
- Last name: Please see the information above.
- Email: You can send welcome emails, password reminders, and email results notifications to the address provided in this field or on the username field.
- Organization: Add a reference for the user such as an organization, team, department, or country. Information! Organization is a new field and is not yet available on any reporting.
- Assigned quizzes: A list of examinations assigned to the user. The user can view all Open quizzes on their Respondent portal.
- Assigned groups: All groups that the user is assigned for taking online tests. The Respondent can access all open quizzes within the group.
- Notes: Reminders and information about this user. Any Admins or Trainers with permissions can add, view, and edit the notes.
- Press the blue save button.
The Respondent account is now live, and users can log in with their unique username and password. Respondents can view any open quizzes.
How to share the username and password with users
Depending on the information you provided when setting up the account, you can share the username and password with users in the following ways:
Email address provided in the username or email address fields.
- You can send a custom welcome email to the user with their username and password.
- Learn more about sending welcome emails.
No email address provided.
- After you press save, a pop-up will appear with a reminder of the Respondents username and password. You can copy and paste this information to share with new users.
Relevant help guides:
Customizing a Respondent portal
Assigning quizzes from the publish screen