Online exam builder

Easily create custom exams that test your students' knowledge on any subject and at any difficulty level.

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Woman sitting at a laptop building an online exam
FlexiQuiz create screen, exam question with a picture

Set up an exam in minutes

Choose from 9 question types and limitless customization options to create powerful assessments.

Include features such as time limits, emails, videos, question randomization, auto scoring and more.

Multiple exam questions written in French, English and Spanish

Customize your exam

Share professional looking exams by tailoring the look and feel to reflect the subject and your organization's brand.

Update colors, imagery, fonts, logos and add your text in any language to your pages or emails.

FlexiQuiz configure screen, list of options to prevent respondents from cheating during an exam

Minimize cheating

Ensure reliable test results by preventing students from gaining an unfair advantage.

Our anti-cheating options include randomization, time limits, tracking behaviors and setting maximum quiz attempts.

Exam registration form created using FlexiQuiz, email to invite students to take the exam

Share and schedule exams

Choose to share your online exam with registered users straight away or schedule for a specific date and time.

Securely share using email invitations, assigning to a respondent portal, via APIs or you can embed on your site.

FlexiQuiz exam report with a breakdown on the number of people who have selected each answer option

All results available in one place

View examination results in real-time with detailed analytics, such as time per question and average scores.

Data is available at a group, question and individual level to track results easily over time and compare performance.

Popular features for making exams

Question bank with list of questions by category
Question bank

Bulk import questions, manage categories, randomize questions and quickly make exams

Screen with randomize arrows
Randomize questions

Shuffle the order of quiz questions displayed to respondents by page, the whole quiz or on a specific subject

Countdown timer

Make online exams more challenging by adding time limits to a question, page or the whole quiz

Custom exam certificate
Custom certificates

Automatically share completion certificates using one of our templates or upload your own branded template

Exam paper with a students grade
Automatic grading

FlexiQuiz automatically scores your exams in real-time. You choose when and which results to share

Three people with access to FlexiQuiz trainer features
Multiple trainers

Invite colleagues to create and manage assigned assessments based on the permissions you set

Build exams for:

White tick in a green circle to show a right answer Regulatory compliance Tick mark for annual certifications Annual certifications
Tick mark for recruitment Recruitment Tick mark for onboarding Onboarding
Tick mark for high schools High school Tick mark for university of collage University or college
Tick mark for training Training Tick mark for safety evaluations Safety evaluations
Tick mark for olympiads Olympiads Tick mark to create practice tests on FlexiQuiz Selling practice tests

Create your first online exam

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