Help / Welcome email with a quiz link

Sending a welcome email with a quiz link

A welcome email is a way to welcome your users to your quiz or course. It is an optional notification that you can turn on or off and is triggered when a user purchases your quiz or course.

You can customize the email with a message in any language and add default variables that populate essential information, such as quiz link, exam name or course name.

This guide shows you how to set up a welcome email with a quiz link, sent when your users buy a single quiz.

How it works

The system sends a welcome email once your user's payment for a single quiz is successfully processed through Stripe. The system sends a welcome message to each user's email address provided on the Stripe payment page.

If you have an Enterprise account, you can send the welcome email from your own email address (not using our SMTP connection feature.

The email message can be customized and includes a unique link that allows users to access the quiz. Each user will receive their own unique URL so that they can only access the test based on the rules you set. For example, if you allow people to take the quiz five times, they can click on the link and access the test up to 5 times or until the quiz closes.

How to set up and customize a welcome email

  1. Create a quiz
  2. Add a sell page
  3. Connect your Stripe account
  4. Set up the welcome email, by going to the Configure screen and select Sell from the left-hand menu
  5. Scroll down the page and tick Send welcome email
  6. The default subject line and body content are displayed
  7. You can change the text message, add additional links and update the fonts welcome email sent when people buy your quiz
  8. The text in square brackets are variables that will auto-populate for each specific user when the email is sent
  9. The welcome email information automatically saves as you make the changes
  10. When you are ready to sell your online quiz, go to the Publish screen and tick the box Use quiz link. You can share the link in your channels to direct people to your selling landing page.


Can I send a welcome email if users purchase a group of quizzes?

This guide shows you how to send a welcome email when users purchase a course or group of quizzes

Can I resend a welcome email?

It is currently impossible to resend a welcome email on the sell quiz feature

What are the benefits of sending a welcome email?

  • It's a great way to thank people who buy your test and to share information about other quizzes you might be selling
  • Allows users to securely access your quiz multiple times based on the rules you set. Rules can include the maximum time people can take the test and when the quiz is open or closed

Can I switch off welcome emails?

To stop sending welcome emails, go to the Configure/ Sell screen and untick the box Send welcome email

Can I send a welcome email if users do not purchase the quiz using Stripe integration?

Yes, you can send a welcome email when a Respondent account is created for a user. This guide shows you how to send welcome emails to Respondents.

Relevent help guides for selling quizzes and courses

How to add a sell page to a single quiz

How to sell a group of quizzes or a course

How to add discount coupons

Other relevant help guides

How to create a quiz

How to maximize quiz attempts
