Help / auto quiz reminders

Email reminders for respondents to submit their quiz

FlexiQuiz quiz maker, allows you to set email notifications that will automatically remind students to submit their quiz.

The email reminder can be triggered if learners have not submitted their quiz after a certain number of days. You can customize the email with your text in any language.

How to set quiz reminders

  1. Create a quiz and go to the Configure screen.
  2. Choose Notifications from the left-hand menu.
  3. Scroll down to Respondent reminder and tick the box.
  4. Enter what day you want the FlexiQuiz system to send the first reminder - this is the number of days after the quiz is assigned.
  5. In the second box, enter when you want the FlexiQuiz system to send the second reminder - this is the number of days after the quiz is assigned and it must be at least one day after the first reminder.
  6. Leave the second box blank if you do not want to send a second reminder.
  7. The image below shows that the FlexiQuiz system will send the first reminder two days after the quiz is assigned. The second reminder is five days after the online test is assigned. quiz reminders box to set days
  8. Tick Customize email messages to view and update the email that FlexiQuiz will send respondents.
  9. Choose the tab First Reminder or Second Reminder and enter your text in any language. Place to customize email for quiz reminders
  10. Finally, ensure the FlexiQuiz system can capture the respondent's correct email address on the Respondent portal or registration page.

Frequently asked questions

My students are allowed to take the quiz multiple times. Can I still send reminders?

Automatic quiz reminders are only sent if the user has not submitted the test at any time. If the respondent submits the test at least once, a reminder is not sent - even if they are allowed multiple attempts.

Can I set a specific time for the reminder to be sent?

No, a reminder is sent at approximately the same hours/ minutes that the quiz is assigned.

Relevant help guides:

How to email results to respondents

How to make a quiz
