Help / Scoring your quiz

Creating a scored quiz

Scored tests are a great way to check a respondent's level of understanding and create some competition for work, school or fun!

FlexiQuiz quiz maker allows you to customize the scoring on your quiz questions or answer options to meet your learning objectives. You can add or deduct points as a whole number or with a decimal point.

FlexiQuiz auto scores and grades your quiz questions subject to the formatting options you select. The respondent's results are instantly available on your analyze or reporting screens.

This guide shows you how to score questions on a classic quiz.

Ways to award points

1. Points per question: Give full points for getting the whole question right.

2. Points per answer option: Give partial points for each response selected by the respondent. Points can be weighted based on the importance of the answer given. This option also allows you to deduct points if respondents select the wrong answer.

3. Manually award points: You can review responses and give points manually after the quiz is submitted.

How to add points to your quiz questions

# 1: Points per question

Respondents must answer the whole question correctly to get full points. The question may require one or multiple responses.

How to set up:

  1. Start by adding a quiz question. From the Create screen, press Add Item and select Question
  2. Next, select your question type.
  3. You can now add quiz questions and answer options.
  4. To allow the FlexiQuiz system to score the quiz, you must confirm the right answer (s) by ticking the correct box or boxes.
  5. Next, tell us how many points to award by adding the number to the Points box on the top right. You can add points as a whole number or with a decimal point.
  6. Once you're ready to add the question to your quiz, press the blue Save button.
FlexiQuiz question editor with an arrow to the box to allocate points

# 2: Points per answer option

You can award or deduct points based on the student's responses.

How to set up:

  1. Start by adding a new quiz question or editing an existing one.
  2. To add a new question, go to the Create screen, press Add Item and select question from the drop-down menu.
  3. Next, pick your question type. You can choose any question type apart from free format or file upload as you need to score the questions manually.
  4. You can now add your question and answer options.
  5. To set the scoring, tick the box Set option points. Boxes will now appear next to each answer option.
  6. In the box next to each response, type the points you want to add (or deduct) if the respondents pick the response. You can leave the box blank if you do not want to award any points.
  7. Once you're ready to add the question to your quiz, press the blue Save button.
FlexiQuiz question editor with an arrow to tick box to award points per answer option

The FlexiQuiz system can now auto-score and grade the quiz when respondents submit it. Test results are instantly available on your analyze screen.

# 3: Manually scoring an assessment

File upload and free text questions need to be manually marked.

After a respondent submits a quiz, you can also edit the scores for all other question types.

How to manually mark a quiz:

  1. Create and share your quiz in the usual way.
  2. Once the respondent submits their quiz, the responses are instantly saved on your Analyze screen. From your main dashboard, press Analyze to access your results screen.
  3. Scroll down to find the relevant respondent and press select action. Next, choose view from the drop-down menu.
  4. A pop-up appears with a list of the quiz questions and the responses given by the student. You can scroll up and down the page to find the questions where you want to edit the points.
  5. Once you've reviewed the content and are ready to award points, press edit
  6. Next to Points score, enter the points you want to award the test-taker for the answer given.
  7. Next to Points available, enter the maximum number of points that the quiz-taker could have earned.
  8. You also have the options to add some comments about your scoring.
  9. To save your scoring and update the respondents total score, press Save changes
pop-up box to manually adding points to FlexiQuiz quiz question

The system automatically recalculates the student's score and grade.

You can manually notify the student of their new score or send an email directly from your analyze screen

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Analyzing your quiz results

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