Help / Create a custom certificate

Creating a custom certificate for your quizzes

Reward and motivate your student's achievements with a custom certificate that reflects your brand or the test subject.

If you make a quiz with FlexiQuiz, you can automatically share an awesome custom certificate for students who pass. Certificates can include fixed and dynamic data fields such as a student's name, completion date, grade, expiry date, or a unique certificate number.

This guide shows you how to build and upload your own custom certificate.

How to upload your template

The custom certificate feature is available for FlexiQuiz Premium and Enterprise members using classic or live quiz templates.

  1. Build your custom certificate template. Tools such as PowerPoint or Canva are a couple of creative options that can help you build a template.
  2. Once you have a template, you can make a new quiz or configure an existing one that you want to assign the certificate to.
  3. From the Configure screen select Certificate from the left-hand menu.
  4. Set the rules for sharing the certificate:

    Enable download - it's shown on the respondent's results page at the end of the exam.

    Email notification - a certificate can be included on notifications sent to nominees or respondents.

  5. Next to Background, press the down arrow and select Custom from the drop-down menu.
  6. Press the blue Browse button and select the image file that you would like to upload in jpeg, png, BMP, or gif format.

    The file will open and display in the certificate box. Please allow a few minutes for the upload to complete.

    custom quiz certificate upload
  7. Select your certificate orientation - Landscape or Portrait.
  8. Configure the text copy and positioning to meet your requirements by using Line items. This can include fixed or dynamic text.
    • To delete any of the existing line item's press the X on the right-hand side of each line.
    • Any text that is not in a square or curly bracket is called fixed text and will remain the same on all certificates issued.
    • Any text that's in square brackets such as Name or Month Name is mapped to existing dynamic fields within the FlexiQuiz system.

      Important: Name is mapped to the First name and Last name that is collected on the FlexiQuiz registration page. If you change this text on the registration page the respondent's data will not be mapped to the certificate. You will need to add your new text from the registration page to the Line items using the curly brackets.

      how to configure text positioning on a certificate of achivement
    • Press more to see a full list of predefined tags. List of predefined tags that can be included on your certificate template
    • To map your tags, you will need to use curly brackets. For example, if you add a registration page and ask respondents to provide their Nom, Nombre, or student ID. This is what you would write on the certificate page: example for adding dynamic tags in another language

      Important: dynamic tags will only be displayed on the certificate if the data has been correctly captured during the quiz process. You will need to add a registration page to capture data such as name, class, age, or team.

  9. Once you've styled the quiz certificate, you can finish Configuring your quiz, Publish and Share.

Certificate design guidelines

  • You can create a certificate in a Portrait or Landscape design.
  • The image needs to be the following size: 1600px by 1130px
  • You can create a template using word or PowerPoint, or there are several online companies that can help you create a basic email template such as Canva or Design Wizard.
  • Top tip! If you're adding dynamic text on the same line as fixed text, use the FlexiQuiz line items.

YouTube video guides

Adding custom certificates to your quiz.

Relevant help guides

How to add a registration page

How to assign grades

How to share certificates on email notifications
