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🚀 NEW FlexiQuiz Features 

We're always making enhancements to make sure you have the best possible test & quiz making experience.  This page summarizes our latest features as they launch.

We're constantly developing and so if you've any additional ideas, please contact us  


New features:


Matching question types, copy questions, bookmark questions, and more. - April 2021

Check out our latest blog for more information on our Spring 21 release.


Save and continue updates - December 2020

We've made some changes to the save and continue feature.

You can now configure the quiz so that test-takers can request a copy of the save and continue URL is emailed to them. This means quiz takers don't need to remember to copy and save the URL.

Learn more about save and continue.


Add a registration page to email invites - October 2020

Paid plan members can now add a registration page when sharing a quiz using the email invite option. This is a great way to capture additional participant information such as the student's class of email address.

The quiz taker's name can also be captured and added to any qualifying certificates.


Send email notifications anytime - October 2020

With FlexiQuiz, you can send Welcome and Result notification emails to quiz takers.

It's now possible to send these emails to respondents at any time. 

This means that you can wait for all respondents to submit their answers before sharing results, certificates and PDF's with answers. To send quiz takers their results at a later date, go to the analyze screen, press select action, and choose email results from the drop-down menu.

This guide gives you more information about sending account notifications to new and existing users.


Registration page messages - September 2020

There is now more space for text on the participant's registration page. You can add text to the bottom of the page giving the quiz taker extra information before starting your test.


SMTP integration - September 2020

Enterprise members can now send FlexiQuiz notification messages from your email address instead of FlexiQuiz (flexiquiz.com). SMTP integration includes the following notifications:

  • Welcome emails sent when creating a Respondent, Trainer, or Admin account
  • Quiz completed email notifications sent to quiz takers and quiz maker, nominees.


Trainer and Admin permissions - September 2020

We've updated the setting permissions for Trainer and Admin accounts. You have more choice about what Trainers or Admins can view, edit, or delete. 

This guide will show you more about setting up Trainer accounts.


Add a pass or fail message to the results page - September 2020

You can now add a custom message to the quiz takers results page based on if they pass or fail.


Only show quiz retake if the respondent fails - March 2020

You can now show an option for quiz takers to re-take the quiz only if they've failed. To set this up, go to the Configure screen and select General from the left-hand menu. Scroll down the page to maximum quiz attempts and tick the box can only retake if fail quiz.

Respondents can save and continue later - March 2020

You can allow quiz takers to take a break while taking the quiz. To enable the feature, go to the Configure screen and tick the box Allow save and continue later. Respondents will be given a unique URL when they exit the quiz - this will save all the questions they have already answered and enable them to enter the quiz at the same place.

It is now possible for quiz Administrators to also retrieve the unque URL and share with quiz takers. To get the unqie URL go to your Analyze screen and press select action. Select respondent access URL.


Small changes and bug fixes - February 2020

  • On your main dashboard - edit and change the name of your folders
  • View answers and uploads of unsubmitted quizzes 
  • Copy the quiz to include any background images
  • On the Users dashboard - bulk delete Users
  • New contact us form


Results page changes - January 2020

There are now even more options when configuring the results that are shown to quiz takers.

  • The answers report can be shown and downloaded without showing the number of points awarded for each question
  • You can also remove the marking for each question - this can be useful if you are using FlexiQuiz to create a survey or personality test

How to configure your results page


Move pages - November 2019

When creating a quiz, you can now move the page to another position within the quiz. 

To move the pages on your quiz, go to the Create tab. Select the page that you would like to move and click on the double arrow on the right-hand side.


New Users dashboard - September 2019

Respondent, Trainer and additional Admin accounts can be created and managed through the Users dashboard. This dashboard has been updated with new additional features including;

  • The ability to delete or suspend multiple accounts at the same time
  • Sort by username, name, email address, role type or date created
  • Number of User accounts associated with the main account 

To view your User dashboard, log in to your FlexiQuiz account and select Users from the top heading.


Personalize notification emails - August 2019

Notifications that the quiz has been submitted and any results can now be customized in almost any language. You can also select what data you want to share such as pass/ fail, points score or % score.

This guide will show you how to personalize email notifications to participants or yourself. T


Share results by category - August 2019

Create an online test using questions from the question bank and show respondents their results as a total and per category. This works well when your test has multiple sections and you would like to show learners their areas of strengths and weaknesses.

To set the results for each category, go to the Configuration tab and select Results from the left-hand menu. Scroll down the page and tick the box Category scores. You can select to show the scores as a %, points or both.


Send reminders when sharing your quiz with email invites - May 2019

When sharing your quiz using an email invite, you can now track the respondent's response and send reminders all from your Publish screen.


Make it easier for quiz taker to keep track of time - April 2019

Premium and Enterprise members can now customize the timer by:

1. Changing the color of the font

2. Changing the font

3. Changing the size

4. Changing the position of the font from the top to the bottom of the page

To ensure quiz takers can always see the timer when scrolling up and down through questions, add the timer to the bottom of the page and fix the navigation bar. 

Learn more about adding time limits.


Sell your Quizzes and Courses online - March 2019

You can now sell the content you have created on FlexiQuiz to earn extra income. Simply create and configure your course in the normal way and then add the FlexiQuiz payment page to the start of your quiz or course.

  • No transaction fees
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Supports multiple currencies

How to add a payments page to sell online quizzes.


Page Number Tracker - January 2019


The page number tracker lets participants see what page of the test they are on.  When completing a timed test it's useful for participants to understand their progress and manage their time accordingly.    

Top tip: If using the page tracker you need to allow respondents to navigate backward and forwards between the pages. 


Horizontal Page Layout - January 2019

All members now have a choice of a vertical layout (answer options below the questions) or horizontal with the answer options on the right-hand side of the questions. A horizontal layout works well for aptitude tests where respondents need to view copy, graphs or tables and answer questions related to the information.

The horizontal layout is currently available for participants taking tests on desktops, laptops, and tablets only.  Respondents using a mobile will continue to see the vertical layout.

Take this test to see how the horizontal layout looks. 


Progress Tracker - January 2019

The progress tracker lets respondents see how many questions they've answered and how many they still have to complete.

To turn on or off the progress bar.  Create a Quiz and select the Configure tab then General from the left-hand menu.  Tick or untick the box Progress bar


File Upload Question - December 2018

We've added a new question type for Premium Plan members, giving greater flexibility for testing.  The file upload question let's quiz takers upload a file to answer a question, for example, they could upload a copy of their CV or an excel document showing their detailed calculations.

It's really easy to use, just select File Upload from the question type drop-down menu when creating your quiz.  Type your question and leave the answer box blank for participants to upload their answers (maximum size of file 50 MB).  


Instant Answers and Feedback - November 2018

FlexiQuiz is configured to automatically display quiz results at the end of the quiz, once respondents submit all their answers.  However, you now have the option to display answers and any feedback for each question, as the respondent goes along.  

This new option works with a multiple-choice, single choice, picture choice, matching text and fill the blanks questions.  To set up instant feedback go to the Configure tab and select Results - from this page, you will be given the option of what and when to share results with participants.

At the end of every page, the respondent needs to save their answers and then they will instantly be shown;

  • the correct answer,
  • their saved answer marked (with a tick or cross)
  • and any question feedback. 

If you want to show participants answers immediately after each question, then just configure the quiz to 1 question per page.

Help guide for instant answers and feedback.

Example of a quiz in progress using instant answers and feedback:

Instant answers and feedback


APIs & Webhooks - November 2018

FlexiQuiz has now launched a restful API to enable you to work from your standard webapp or URL and connect securely with the API to update Quizzes and Respondents.  This API enables the utilization of the following processes.

  • Extract quiz results and manage respondents, trainers, and administrators
  • Open and Close a quiz
  • Assign new users (administrators, trainers, and respondents)
  • Assign quizzes
  • Review the status for all quizzes
  • And more...


A webhook will notify you when events occur such as a quiz is submitted or user details are updated.  Can be sent securely to your specified URL or Webapp


To learn more, developers can review our guides to APIs and webhooks

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Any Questions, Suggestions or Feedback?  Please let us know!


