Help / How to change your username

Changing your FlexiQuiz username

Your username is required to log in to your FlexiQuiz account. This information must be kept up to date to ensure people with the relevant permissions have access to the main FlexiQuiz account to create quizzes or complete online tests.

There may be times when you need to change your username, such as the main account holder leaves the business, change in name, or change in the organization's name.

All usernames need to be changed by the account Administrator who is typically the main quiz maker within your organization. Trainers and Respondents need to contact the account Administrator to update their username.

This guide shows account administrators how to change usernames and transfer the main Administrator account to another person.

How to change a username

  1. Log in to your FlexiQuiz account.
  2. Select Users from the header along the top - this opens your Users dashboard.
  3. Highlight and click on the relevant user. Top tip! If the username is not listed on your dashboard, it's not associated with your main FlexiQuiz account. FlexiQuiz users dashboard
  4. The user's account information page will open - the Username field is at the top of the page. Delete the current username and add the new username.

    Top tip! If you're changing the username for an account Administrator you should use a valid email address so that we can validate them for any account management queries.

  5. Update any other details associated with this account such as password, or email address.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the blue Save button. Users account page to update details and assign quizzes

The username is instantly updated. Users will be able to log in with the new username.

Transferring your account to a new main Administrator

If your FlexiQuiz account is being used for work and you are changing jobs, you can update the main account Administrator to the new person responsible for FlexiQuiz within your organization. Note: the new account holder will also need to accept our Terms and Conditions.

Information to be updated:

  • Username - follow the instructions above.
  • Account settings - follow these instructions to update data such as the name displayed on emails sent from FlexiQuiz on your behalf.

If you have a paid account you may also need to change the subscription billing and payment details. To do this, the main account Admin will need to go to the Settings page and press Update Payment Details.

Relevant help guides

How to create your first FlexiQuiz - a guide for any new test maker on how to create an online quiz with FlexiQuiz.
