Help / Share your online test with a quiz link

Share your online test with a quiz link

It's easy to share a test with anyone using a quiz link. Just copy the URL provided by FlexiQuiz and add it to any of your channels including, emails, social media sites, or WhatsApp. Using a quiz link it a great way to quickly share your test with many people.

Test takers can access your open quizzes anytime, anywhere, and on any device, including mobile.

You have the opportunity to allow test takers to keep their data anonymous or you can add a registration page to track responses.

Important! Test-takers can only access your content when the quiz is open. You can open and close the examination at any time from your Publish screen or schedule the timings on the Configure screen.

This guide shows you:

  • How to generate a quiz URL
  • How to customize the URL
  • How to add a registration page to track quiz responses.

How to generate a quiz link

  1. Create and configure your online test
  2. Go to the Publish screen.
  3. Tick the box Use Quiz Link

A unique URL will be automatically generated that you can share with your target audience.

generate a quiz link to share test

To share the link, press copy and paste the URL in your email, social media, website, WhatsApp, or other channels.

Anyone can access your quiz through this link if the quiz is open.

How to customize your quiz link

If you have a paid plan, you can customize the end of the URL to better reflect your brand and the subject of your assessment.

  1. Generate a quiz link by following steps 1 to 3 above.
  2. Press Customize Link
  3. A pop-up will open that allows you to edit the URL. Delete the existing text and enter your new unique URL.
  4. When you are happy with the new URL, press Save customize quiz link

    If someone on the FlexiQuiz site already uses the URL, a message will appear to ask you to choose another name. To make the URL unique you can add the year or your company name.

    Once the URL is accepted, it will appear on your Publish screen.

  5. To share the link, press copy and paste the URL in your channels such as social media, WhatsApp, zoom invite, or emails.

Top tip! It's not possible to brand the whole URL with your company name. However, if you have a Premium or Enterprise plan, you can embed the quiz on your website. This allows you to direct people straight to your site to complete the online examination.

How to track quiz responses

To track who has joined and completed your quiz, you will need to add a registration page to the start of your online test.

To add a registration page, tick the box Register for Quiz. You can also customize the registration page to allow you to collect relevant data in any language.

how to add a registration page to your online quiz

Learn more about creating a custom registration page.

The responses for all quizzes started and completed are saved on your Analyze screen.

If there is no registration page, the data will be anonymous. If you have a registration page, the data can be sorted based on this information.

Relevant help guides:

Creating your first quiz

Customizing your online test

Ways to share your online quizzes

Analyzing quiz results
