Help / Configuration tools

Customizing your FlexiQuiz content

Now that you have added your questions or content to the system, it's time to customize the quiz settings to fit your objectives.

FlexiQuiz, a flexible quiz maker with many configuration options, allows you to tailor your content to how the quiz works, looks and interacts with users.  From making custom tests for revision, fun interactive quizzes, or training programs, you can tailor a FlexiQuiz to your needs.

Please keep reading for a summary of our main configuration options.

How to access your configuration options

  1. The first step is to add your questions and content to a new quiz or to edit an existing one.
  2. Then select the Configure tab. 

The main Configuration page will appear with further settings neatly split into sections.

The configuration options available will depend on your FlexiQuiz plan type.

Description for each configuration category

  • General

    Create a fun, engaging and challenging quiz experience utilizing a wide choice of features, including: Progress bar, page names, add your logo, remove FlexiQuiz branding. time limits, randomize questions, set the maximum number of times the quiz can be attempted, redirect on quiz completion, set quiz start and end dates, question layout and more.

  • Grading

    Set any type of grade that meets your organization's needs, this can be anything from A, B, C to personal messages like star performer. Set actions based on the quiz takers grade to provide a customized experience such as feedback or redirect to another quiz or URL.

  • Results

    Manage any results that you would like to share with quiz takers during or after the test. There is a wide choice of options you can share such as, time taken to complete the quiz, the correct answers, score by category and more.

  • Certificate

    Make a customized certificate to be automatically sent to respondents based on results. You can upload your logo, signature or branding and FlexiQuiz can include the users name, score or other required information.

  • Notifications

    Set triggers to automatically notify yourself, colleagues or quiz takers when a test has been submitted.

  • Theme

    Personalize the design and style of your quiz pages. Paying customers have the option to change: all background themes, text on navigation buttons, alignment or text and buttons, size and color of fonts, plus much more.

  • Sell

    Easily start making money from your quiz or course, by adding a payment page to the start of your quiz, test, or exam. The page can be customized to reflect your quiz product, pricing, and brand.

New tools are being added all the time and are highlighted on our what's new pages.
