Welcome to the Young Horticulturist of the Year Competition 2025 registration
Before registering, please ensure you have:
* A stable internet connection
* Completed all required fields of the registration form fully
* Read the YHoY Permission to photograph/publicise statement (see botton of page)
* Identified your region
* Identified your Regional Final Location (see bottom of page)
For more details on the institute regions, please visit our website https://www.horticulture.org.uk/
Round 1 answers will be made available on the Young Horticulturist of the Year web page on the Chartered Institute of Horticulture website in March
We hope you enjoy taking part
2025 Regional Finals
if you are successful in Round 1 you will need to make all efforts to ensure you will be available to attend the Regional Final
If for any reason you are unable to attend the Regional Final you have chosen, please email yhoy@horticulture.org.uk as soon as possible to allow the place to be offered to another entrant, please note you may forfeit your Round 1 cash prize
Scotland: Saturday 8th March, NTS Greenbank, Clarkston
Ireland: Monday, 24th March, Teagasc Ashtown Research Centre, Dublin
Northern: Saturday 22nd March, National Trust, Acorn Bank, Temple Sowerby, Penrith
North-West North Wales: Sunday 19th March, venue TBC
Eastern: Saturday 15th March, King’s College, Cambridge
West-Midlands South Wales: Saturday 22nd March, Pershore College, Avonbank, Pershore
South-East: Wednesday 19th March, Canterbury College, New Dover Rd, Canterbury
South-West: Saturday 8th March, Exeter University, Stocker Rd, Exeter
YHoY Permission to photograph/publicise statement:
Photographers authorised by the Institute may take your photograph on various occasions and at events. These may be used to promote the Institute, its work and events, and may be accompanied by a brief description of you and your involvement with the Institute. We are grateful to those who give permission as this furthers the work of the Institute and promotes horticulture.
If you give permission, you are agreeing to the following:
• Photographers authorised by the Institute can use photographs, taken at Institute events or activities, for Institute publicity purposes
• Photographers may have unrestricted use of photographs. The Institute agrees not to use the photographs in any way that might cause harm or injury to the reputation of the subject
• The photographer or any person acting on their behalf may use the photographs or any part of them to accompany wording, provided no words or statements are attributed personally without further authorisation
• Not to prosecute or to instigate proceedings or demands against either the photographer or their agents concerning the use of the photographs