World Food Day

World Food Day is marked each year on 16th October in order to promote worldwide awareness and action on the issue. World Food Day is about the Global Goal of Zero Hunger by 2030 – an end to hunger for every child, women and man around the world. Reaching the target will save countless lives and build brighter futures for all.

Sorting facts from fiction

How much do you know about global hunger? Take a look and explore 10 popular myths about world hunger, food production and nutrition.

Myth 1 - There isn't enough food in the world to feed its' growing population.

Myth 2 - Nature and natural disasters are to blame for hunger.

Myth 3 - World hunger is getting worse.

Myth 4 - Ending world hunger simply means ensuring people have enough to eat.

Myth 5 - It’s difficult to know in advance where hunger will strike or who it will affect most.

Myth 6 - World hunger is about food issues, not women’s rights.

Myth 7 - Large-scale intensive farming on large farms – agri-business - is the answer.

Myth 8 - The world’s hungry are waiting for us to solve the problem.

Myth 9 - Africa has most of the world’s hungry.

Myth 10 - There is very little the average person can do about world hunger.
