Welcome, to the Learn Tableau Premium Quiz

The Premium test exposes you to a broader pool of questions of varied difficulty, this is above and beyond what the free package included - solely focussed to make you work harder to score for every point. You get one attempt with this purchase, 30 questions from Connecting and Preparing Data, much like the actual examination. Passing score is 70%. For multiple attempts to access more questions from our vast pool of premium questionnaire, each time you need to purchase below.

Since the questions are chosen randomly by our automated system we cannot guarantee if few of the questions are repeated in your next attempt. But the chances are slim, as the probability is vastly reduced due to the sheer volume of questions added to this database continuously, for every knowledge category. Passing this exam will give you the confidence that you are truly on your way to adding Tableau to your CV.

You get the answers as you proceed, and final score at the end of your exam. And also a Tableau Connecting Data certificate you can download. You cannot go backwards, copy, or download the answers during or after the exam - this will help protect our data and ensure quality. Questions?

All the best !