On behalf of the American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (ASOP), welcome to the purchase/registration page for the Orthopedic Casting Splinting Course.  

This course is eligible for up to ten (10) Category A CEUs. 


  1. UNLIMTED TIME and ATTEMPTS to complete all 138 questions to achieve passing score [70%].
  2. Statement of completion will be available for immediate download and sent to the email address provided upon initial registration. 
  3. By purchasing course and then starting the home study quiz, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the pdf digital manual along with the series of casting techniques video library -  all resources will be available inside course upon purchase

You may EXIT the quiz at any time by clicking SAVE & CONTINUE and a unique URL will be provided on the subsequent page as well as emailed to you.  

Upon competion, please remember to complete the course and participant post-assessment surveys           

If you have questions prior to starting the course, please feel free to contact us at asop.CEUs@gmail.com
All the best 

ASOP Continuing Education Committee

American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (BOC AP#: P120) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers.  This program is eligible for a maximum of ten (10) Category A CEUs.  ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.