1. Which island is where gamelan tradition is presented as flashier, with a more flamboyant performance style?

2. What is the study of geographic areas, tying together cultural practices by their location?

3. What gamelan instrument is a set of hanging gongs?

4. In Java, what is a piece for the gamelan called?

5. What gamelan instrument is from the “soft” category (non-metallic), and is a wooden flute?

6. What gamelan instrument is xylophone-like with keys of different pitches?

7. What gamelan instrument features several bronze kettles suspended within a wooden frame, hit with mallets?

8. What Balinese gamelan technique refers to a style that contains flash, dazzle, or a flaring up?

9. Which island is where gamelan tradition espouses a more traditional method of performance?

10. What large, circular bronze gamelan instrument is struck only once within the complete cycle, usually as the first or last beat?

11. What are the two possible scales to which a gamelan can be tuned?

12. What important musical tradition from Java and Bali is an ensemble that plays a collection of instruments?

13. In Bali, which tradition features gamelan and female dancers in elaborate costumes?

14. In gamelan music, patterns of 8, 16, or 32 beats that often loop together are called?

15. Gamelan music is used for this popular traditional entertainment that includes shadow puppet theater.

16. In a gamelan, what non-bronze drum is used by the “leader” of the group—a title that is more related to its role in the rhythm than as a conductor?

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