Study the following words.

Choose one word from the table above to complete the sentence. 
You may have to change the ending of the word according to its use. 
 Use lower case letters and spell correctly!

1. There was a _________ sound in my backyard.

2. He's _________ about the car on the street.

3. It has a funny looking ______ in the front.

4. I really like __________ because they have stripes.

5. The little girl had a _______ chin and big grin.

6. The ________ on the train didn't like the bumpy ride.

7. Who ______ saw the accident between the three cars?

8. I really liked the diamond ______s on his tie.

9. You _______ to me yesterday about the messy neighbours

10. I have  ____________ about what she's saying?
