1. Which genre was a single movement work that was generally sacred and sung in Latin, but did not necessarily use text directly from the liturgy?

2. What term describes the greater emphasis on the individual rather than God?

3. What is the name of a group of instruments of different families played together using the full range of that sound?

4. What were the numerous methods used to bind the sections of a Mass together called?

5. Which transformative musical form was made up of five parts from the liturgy all set by a single composer?

6. Which type of song commonly featured French lyrics and was popularly sung by everyday people in the Renaissance?

7. What musical feature was a push near the end of a musical phrase to bring the listener to a sense of closure?

8. Ottaviano Petrucci was the first to develop the technique of music printing and was based in what city?

9. What is a preexistent melody that forms the basis of a larger musical work called?

10. What musical attribute describes when a single melodic fragment passes through many voices in a polyphonic work?

11. Which English composer in the 15th century was known for their usage of filling out chords with 3rds, turning away from the open 5ths and octaves of the past?

12. This late 15th and early 16th century Flemish composer composed across the genres and was considered the rockstar of the Renaissance.

13. The most important genre of instrumental music to thrive in the Renaissance was _______.


14. Which composer was strongly associated with motets?

15. Which 16th-century composer lived in and around Rome and composed mostly for the church?

16. What Rennaissance-era invention became an important means of sharing a single person’s music quickly and efficiently?

17. What is the name of a group of instruments of the same family played together using the full range of that sound?

18. Which musical technique took a single vocal part (often the uppermost voice) and treated the rest of the voices like chords?

19. Which genre of music was wildly popular in the Renaissance and was a secular, polyphonic vernacular song?

20. Madrigals were full of _________, a technique where the meaning of the text was reflected in the music.

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