1. Prehistoric bone flutes are the few examples of ____________.

2. What message written on a tombstone from about 200 BCE contains the oldest complete melody?

3. Which stringed instrument was used to accompany the presenter of epic poetry?

4. One of the many musical concepts Pythagoras introduced was called the _______, which was the motion of celestial bodies throughout the universe.

5. Which Greek philosopher wrote about music containing representations of human feelings in their book, Politics?

6. Aristotle suggested that a person could purge the wrong morals from oneself by experiencing them in art and not in life; he called this ________.

7. This important entertainment in early Greek theater involved an orator reading extended tales in poetic form for an audience.

8. In what treatise did Plato summarize that music can be either good or bad, shaping society depending on how it is used?

9. Aristotle explained that "what we heard, we would become" in his __________.

10. Music played an enormous role in Egyptian culture, but the mystery surrounding __________ remains to this day.

11. Dorian, Phrygian, and Lydian are examples of what?

12. Which two-bored wind instrument was associated with parties and dances?

13. Who is associated with the tempting music of the aulos and is the god of wine and the countryside?

14. Which Greek demi-God traveled to the Underworld and was known as the greatest musician of his time?

15. Which musical texture is where a single melody is sung, even if multiple voices are singing together?

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